SaaS for ESG reporting and management. B2B. Climate tech & Real Estate.
UX Research, UX/UI Design, User Testing, Client Feedback & Product Ideation (/w Product owner)
It wasn't a complete failure, users were able to input data and occasionally access KPIs/Reports. However, this process demanded significant time and effort from our side to explain what data is needed and how it should be maintained. The unified structure wasn't universally used by all clients, and they didn't understand the basic terminology as we had anticipated. It became clear that they had different requirements for the product.
• Only a few clients possessed the necessary knowledge and understood terminology.
• On of the most significant issues was the absence of inventory data, particularly data from tenants.
• At times, clients didn't possess any inventory data but wanted to get a report showing building's estimated performance.
• Many clients are primarily interested in quick assessments rather than using the platform for full-scale management. This approach could also facilitate the conversion of more clients to the platform.
Based on that feedback I started designing the second iteration on widgets. This time I could invest more time in research and ideation.
Calculate datapoints even if data is missing. Enable initial assessments using minimal data and estimations.
Concept: Displayed as a placeholder inside input fields
After exploring many options, we settled on the most seamless one: placing estimations inside input fields as placeholders. We wanted this process to require the fewest clicks possible while clearly indicating the estimated values. Although it might not be the easiest to understand immediately, we address this by informing users during onboarding and including a special estimation info icon next to estimated sections. This concept is highly effective for repeated use. Users can overwrite the estimated values if they have the information or leave them as it is and proceed. Information about estimated values is also repeated in the sidebar, identifying sections that contain estimations and their exact values.
Make a platform suitable for both novice and pro users: for clients seeking a quick assessment and those who are experienced and want to use the platform for management.
During user testing, I could clearly define two distinct groups at opposite ends of the spectrum: those with detailed knowledge of their buildings, maintaining data in a form of units of use, and those who only knew basic information, such as total area and usage type (e.g., office building). My goal was to make the process seamless and easy for both groups.
Simple mode
Based on user testing, I found that many users, even advanced ones, are unfamiliar with terminology and the different types of areas, which are crucial for reporting and analytics. My goal was to allow users to provide the information they know first and then define exactly what it represents. Therefore, I created a simple two-step flow:
1. Select the usage type and size of the area (either total or divided into smaller parts).
2. Define the input areas by selecting one of two options.
The widget is complete! (with estimations)
For building area types, our platform offers estimations that users can overwrite if they have data.
Advanced mode
In advanced mode, the goal was to simplify the process of adding and managing units of use. I added shortcuts with the most common options, which will later be replaced by each user's most frequently used ones.
My approach is always to exclude non-essential elements, making them optional or offering temporary solutions. Just like in simple mode, the only required inputs are usage type and area, with other details left as optional.
Additionally, I added a unit duplication feature, as buildings often contain identical units (e.g., apartments in an apartment building). Another valuable feature we implemented is the ability to add a tenant’s email so we can request their inventory data directly, such as electricity consumption.
User testing for energy revealed the same group distinction as in the area tests: users with little to no knowledge and users with detailed information. The approach was similar: to make the simple version as straightforward as possible with minimal clicks, and to design the advanced version for easy entry of more complex data and structure.
Simple mode
The minimum data requirement for this widget is simply selecting whether heating is used and specifying the heating type; the rest can be estimated. As a result, users can complete the widget in just two clicks. If clients have additional information, it is typically total consumption or energy demand from an energy certificate. To accommodate this, I added an option to enter data either as a total value or per square meter.
Advanced mode
At its core, advanced mode operates similarly to simple mode, requiring only the selection of the heating type. However, advanced mode also enables users to manage metering points, contracts, and invoices. While adding detailed information is optional, users can include data on emission factors for more accurate calculations.
The newly added area connection feature enables full or partial estimations based on area size and type, linking meters to covered areas. This feature is particularly useful when tenant data is missing, as it offers improved estimations and a more comprehensive overview of energy coverage across areas.
Simplify every input. Remove non-crucial parts. Add visuals.
Area: Simplified area’s scheme
Given the issue with clients being unfamiliar with the terminology and recognising that text descriptions alone may not be the most effective means of communication, I decided to incorporate visual aids to enhance understanding. This includes a simple scheme of the building with easily understandable units. Additionally, a tree diagram illustrates the relationships between different area types. Colour highlights which units belong to the area type and its place in the diagram.
The input fields also reflect this structure, featuring a subtle level visualisation.
Energy: Prioritising crucial information
Once a metering point is defined, users don’t need to take further action if they lack data, as everything else is pre-defined and estimated. They can input data and modify the pre-defined values if necessary. All non-critical elements, while useful, are made optional. Users can either add their own structure and details or leave everything summarized in a single input field.
With the rework of the widgets, the average time from signing up to receiving a initial assessment report dropped from an average of 20 minutes to just 12 minutes. Additionally, it reduced the time needed for explanations during our demo calls.
We received positive feedback from clients regarding our rework, and as a result, the percentage of clients entering their data themselves has increased.
Our internal team on request manually inputs data provided by clients in various formats such as presentations, Excel sheets, promotional documents, and more. Often, this data is incomplete and unstructured. With the redesign, we as well received positive feedback from our internal team, stating that data entry has become much faster and easier.
While the ideal scenario is for clients to have all the necessary data, the reality is less forgiving, with fewer than 20% of clients providing complete information. Many had partial or missing data. However, clients still required a quick building assessment for buying/selling, marketing, and financial purposes. Estimations became a huge problem solver, especially for missing tenant data.
Over time, many clients have adopted advanced versions of our widgets, leading to increased data input. This has resulted in a growing trust in our software, along with clients' improved knowledge of how to input and maintain data. We've also noticed a rise in inquiries regarding calculations and data precision, indicating that clients have become more curious and engaged. This increased curiosity is a positive factor for building long-term partnerships.
Each redesign took several weeks to produce. While the end result may appear quick and easy, it owes its simplicity to thorough research. Initially, the data and information I received from subject matter experts, as well as my own research, were complex and layered. My goal was to simplify this complexity to the maximum extent. Once I learned that when tackling a complex task, it's beneficial to start from the end. For our widgets, the primary goal was calculations. Therefore, I requested all the calculation formulas we used, analyzing the exact data points required. This boiled down to several primarily data points. I realized we should focus on inputting just these required data points, making everything else optional. While we aim for detailed data for reporting and management purposes, for a quick assessment, which was highly requested, minimal required data points are sufficient .
In terms of UI design, I transitioned from a table-style layout to a section and component-style design. This change makes each part of the interface appear more independent and distinct. Additionally, I decided to replace drop-downs because there were too many options inside. Instead, I went for a sidebar approach that includes a search function and a 'most common' category, as well as other categories grouped by their respective types. I kept the design minimal with a little pop of colour for better orientation and readability.
In the case of the Energy widget, the simple mode was designed for quick assessments and minimal data, while the advanced mode catered to management needs. Initially, I was introduced to the Meter-Contract-Invoice system, with a request to retain the Contract-Invoice structure and all mandatory data. In this iteration, considering future plans, the inclusion of Meters was necessary. However, I chose to keep all other information non-mandatory to simplify data input. Additional information can be added later for maintenance purposes.
The Area widget evolved through multiple usability tests. Many users had some data but couldn't match them with the terminology. I allowed them to input any numbers they knew and later asked a single question to help define the areas. The other area types we estimated. Advanced users were familiar with the area types data, but for most, estimations remained untouched, highlighting the necessity for our estimations. During my research, I came across an article featuring an image of a building with certain zones colored, it inspired me to create a visual floor plan with highlighted areas of an active input field. This visual aid explains different types of areas more effectively than text. As a result, users not only gain clarity in data input but also educate themselves on the topic.